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Excell Table to Text and Lines - Printable Version

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RE: Excell Table to Text and Lines - Admin 1 - 03-10-2011


I'll be glad to help, if I can. Just post your question(s) here.

RE: Excell Table to Text and Lines - AlwMVMO - 11-09-2015

Here is some code to create an OPEN FILE dialog box (file browser).
Just change  csv to anything else for other file extensions.

Directory$="C:\CSVDirectory"  '<-- Directory where csv files are saved
temp = Dir( Directory$+"*.csv" )
count = 0
While temp <> ""
  count = count + 1
  temp = Dir
Dim x() As String
ReDim x(count)
DD$ =Dir( Directory$+"*.csv")
For i = 1 To count-1
  FileList$(i) = Left$(DD$,LD)
Next i
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Begin Dialog GETCSVDIALOG 130,40,200,130, "Get CSV File"
  Text 20,4,50,8,"Select File"
  ListBox 12,15,80,100,FileList$(),.LstBox
  OKButton 95,14,37,12
  CancelButton 95,30,37,12
End Dialog
Dim dlg As GetCSVDialog
Button = Dialog(dlg)
If Button = True  Then
End If
Open FileName$ For Input As #1
Close #1

RE: Excell Table to Text and Lines - Harrod - 07-11-2017

(11-09-2015, 03:12 PM)AlwMVMO Wrote: Here is some code to create an OPEN FILE dialog box (file browser).
Just change  csv to anything else for other file extensions.
Thanks ALW

RE: Excell Table to Text and Lines - AlwMVMO - 07-11-2017

There is another version on the DCUG Members Page by Alan Cooper that does multiple folders.

Multiple Folder File Dialog Macro >