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Default Paper Size - Printable Version

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Default Paper Size - alanc - 06-18-2014

I've got a problem with the default paper size as shown in the "set print region" area. My default printer uses A4 paper which is 11.7" x 8.3". This is defined in the "printer setup" area.
In the "set print region" area however, the default paper size is set at 8" x 11". The default printer is correctly identified.
I have set the frame around my drawings to be 10.6" x 7.3". If I set the print scale to 1.00, it will print over 2 pages instead of fitting onto one. How can I change the default paper size?
Alan C.


I set my frame to be 10.9" x 7.5" not 10.6" x 7.3". The error arose because I measured a frame printed out to avoid it going over two pages.

Alan C.

RE: Default Paper Size - williamj - 06-18-2014


Not sure if you've tried this or not but here goes...

For windows, (can't help with Apple, sorry)

Go to … “Print Setup”

Select … “Properties”

Select … “Size is" (down pointing menu arrow)

Then select proper paper size (A4)

RE: Default Paper Size - alanc - 06-19-2014

Hi William,

The paper selected in the "Printer Setup" area is A4 and it's the same in the "Properties" area. There doesn't appear to be any way of selecting margin dimensions. Do you think there is a default margin setting which reduces the paper size to a printable area as defined by the "Default Paper Size"?

Alan C.

RE: Default Paper Size - i44troll - 06-19-2014

Print regions can be customized. Here is a portion of the Deltacads HELP file (F1)

Adding, Deleting, or Renaming a print region

Select Set Print Region from the File menu, and then pick the New, Delete, or Rename button to perform the desired action. DeltaCad will not let you delete the last print region (i.e. every drawing must have at least one print region).

For all of the following print region functions you should first select which print region to change by selecting a print region in the drop-down list in the Select Print Region section of the popup window.

Selecting which layer to print

Select Set Print Region from the File menu. Ensure the correct print region is displayed in the Select Print Region drop down list. Then select which layers should be printed. To print the objects on a layer, select the layer in the Print layer ON/OFF list and then pick the ON button. To not print a layer, select the layer, and then pick the OFF button. To change all of the print layer ON/OFF’s to match the current drawing layer ON/OFF’s click the Copy Dwg Layer ON/OFF button.

Setting the Print Area

Enter the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom drawing coordinates of the area to be printed using one of the following methods.

Enter the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom coordinates in the appropriate boxes.

Pick the Set to Last Select button to use the last selected rectangle. This is the simplest way to define a print area. This function requires that you use the Select function to select the area to be printed prior to entering this function. Then when the Set to Last Select button is picked, the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes will change to the coordinates of the last selected rectangle.

Pick the Print All Objects button. This will change the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes to 0.0.

Pick the Set to Current Window button. This will set the print area to the currently displayed part of the drawing.

If all of the boxes contain zeros, DeltaCad will set the print area to include all drawing objects.

Chris "i44troll"

RE: Default Paper Size - alanc - 06-19-2014

Thanks Chris. That seems to have done the trick. I was selecting the print area by clicking outside two diagonal corners of the frame as I thought that the print area was defined only by the objects selected. It appears that it is set by the actual picked box. When I selected the frame by clicking on its corners, the drawing fitted onto one sheet at a drawing scale of 1.00.
I guess the discrepancy between the actual A4 size and the default paper size has something to do with margins.
Thanks again,
Alan C.