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Program crashes
Often times, when I grab a symbol from a symbol file and paste it into the drawing, the program will crash. I have learned to constantly save save save! Luckily, the program does this as well but not as often as I do. I've had to redo quite a bit in the past. I have a brand new computer and have learned how to save logs of the events. Soon, I may contact Midnight Software for a solution. Does this happen to anybody else?

Do you know if those are third party symbols or did you create them?

Have you checked to see if they contain "hidden" layers?

Does it happen with only certain ones or randomly with all symbols?

Slim chance, but maybe a portion of DeltaCad has become corrupted so maybe a reinstall would help. Make sure you copy all the drawings, symbols and macros to a different folder including the original defaults, if you've added anything to them. After you've backed those up, delete the DeltaCad program folder. Make sure you have your "key" handy.

I've had occasional crashes. But they've been far and few between. Usually only when I have too much stuff running in the background on the PC.

I don't know if Midnight could help unless they have a fix for a known issue.
The Boss Wrote:Do you know if those are third party symbols or did you create them?
They are mine.
Have you checked to see if they contain "hidden" layers?
That's a good question. I'll have to check that as a possibility.
Does it happen with only certain ones or randomly with all symbols?
It appears to be random with all symbols but I will pay close attention and note it.

Slim chance, but maybe a portion of DeltaCad has become corrupted so maybe a reinstall would help. Make sure you copy all the drawings, symbols and macros to a different folder including the original defaults, if you've added anything to them. After you've backed those up, delete the DeltaCad program folder. Make sure you have your "key" handy.

I've had occasional crashes. But they've been far and few between. Usually only when I have too much stuff running in the background on the PC.

I don't know if Midnight could help unless they have a fix for a known issue.
I doubt DeltaCad is corrupted as this happened on the older computer as well as the new one at work. It happened soon after I installed it on the new computer. I think you may be on to something with the possible "hidden layer" idea. This doesn't happen as often as I may have led you to believe, but it does happen. I'd rather it didn't so I will pay close attention and see if I can find the culprit. Thanks for your help Chris.

I wish you luck in tracking that down. Let us know if you find the problem. It could be good for the FAQ, or perhaps, a heads up to Midnight Software.
Hi everyone,

I'm a new user and although it looks like I'm going for the record of reopening the oldest thread I could find I have this very same problem right here in 2016 using Version 8 (licensed version - not the demo).

I've experienced a few crashes in the past couple of days while experimenting with symbols.

I created one myself and added it to the library and the program was crashing when I placed it in my drawing, so I searched the forum and found this thread which talked about hidden layers.

I opened a brand new blank drawing with just one layer (the default) then placed a couple of symbols - one from the pre-installed library which pasted into the default layer but one of my own got pasted on a new layer called "0".

My question is how to create symbols which have no hidden layers - I don't know if that's the cause of the crash because it's a bit hit or miss whether it crashes or not, but it only happened when placing symbols.

How do these symbols acquire these hidden layers?


P.S. never knew how to even draw a line in CAD before I came across DeltaCad just about a week ago - if I just needed a Cad program for my own use this would be it - I love the simplicity of the interface (and the tutorial videos on YouTube have been a huge help) but, in truth, I will need to learn AutoCad eventually (for work) but DeltaCad is a great introduction to it all and has already proved its worth to me, so I thought I'd stump up the money to get me past the 45 day demo period by way of saying thanks.

Did you install the latest patch for V8?
If not try it, if yes then undo it (i.e. reinstall), YMMV.

In any case when I first started with DeltaCad I could crash it almost at will but after a while the crashes stopped as you learn to use it (and I can't remember what crashed it in the first place!).
I am running without the V8 patch as it crashes my system after a few hours.
Otherwise I find DeltaCad very stable.

Hope this helps, regards AlanC
Hi Alan,

No, I just downloaded whatever they sent me the link to download when I bought the program (just a few days ago). I would have thought that would be the latest version - fully patched?

But my question was more to do with how to avoid having hidden layers to symbols I create?

I going to assume that when you want to create a symbol, you start with a new 'default' page. Now these new pages may or may not already have layers associated with them. To edit 'layers' just click "Layer.default" just to the right of the 'Macro' tab. From there you can add, subtract, open or close layers.

To get what I want from the get go I modified my New 'default' page. All I did was change the 'default' page, right after loading, and then immediately save the modified 'default' page back with it came from. Now every time I start a new work I know exactly what I'm working with.

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