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Advise me... Inserting drawings in Open Office
   I,ve got about 30 drawings I would like to end up on 30 pages in a pdf file.
I was going to copy them onto pages in an Open Office text document then print it to a pdf file using PrimoPDF.
The trouble I'm having is that when I copy the drawing by Selecting the frame and drawing, using the Copy button then pasting it into an Open Office text document the lines in the drawing come out a lot thicker.
Is there any other way of getting the drawings into a text file?
I can get each drawing into a pdf format by printing it from dc using PrimoPDF but they will be as 30 pdf files rather than a single pdf file with 30 pages of drawings in it.
Can anyone help?
Alan C.

     Please don't worry about answering this - I've figured out how to do it.
I open the first drawing and save it with the name aaa. I then print it using PrimoPDF. It creates a pdf file named aaa for the first drawing.
I do the same for the second drawing. Because it now has 2 files of the same name (aaa) it asks if I want to Replace or Append the second file. If I choose Append it creates a 2 page pdf file containing both the first and second drawings.
This process is repeated till all the drawings are done.

Alan C.
Alan, glad to hear you got it worked out to your satisfaction. I can't comment on doing PDFs but I have had experience with unsatisfactory results from copy/paste into word processing programs.

My work around would be to copy/paste my selection into a drawing program first, then save in a picture file format (usually PNG) and then paste into my chosen word processor. I have had no more issues with quality since starting this practice.

Thanks for sharing you experience.
Thanks William.
I'm glad I could post something which may be of use rather than asking for advice all the time.


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