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"filled" tab
I am trying to create or edit objects - in this case a rectangle - that are filled with a color. The instructions I found tell me to be sure and select the "filled" option. However, that tab does not appear on my toolbar. I can create an object with a color, but that only colors the shape itself, not its fill. How do I get the "filled" tab top appear? I am doing a trial using version 8.0.
Good Day!

Select "Help" and then "DeltaCad PDF Help".  This will open the manual.  For rectangles go to page 80 and you will find what you need.  This applies to all other shapes.  It appears that when you select a color not only is the rectangle filled with that color but the border color is also changed.  So for a red fill and black border a second rectangle needs to be drawn on top of the filled one but with black selected for the color.

I hope this helps.

OK, thanks. I think I found my problem. When I try what you suggested - I go to shapes, select rectangle, then go to the three right dropdowns I can choose color, but the line type and line weight drop downs do not work. The current settings show, but no drop-downs. However, I found I can work around this by gong to draw->shape->shape options. When I select I get the "shapes Options" popup and in this case all three drop-downs work. I also found that on the toolbar the Line Type and Line Weight dropdowns still don't work, but they remain set to my selection in the work around.

Thanks for your help. I have enough to continue with my trial, but obviously I have a bug.
If you have filled the rectangle with a color the commands you mention will appear not to work as the border lines will be the fill color.  If these commands work on an empty rectangle then everything is fine.  If not, then you have an issue as you mentioned.  Everything works fine for me but that doesn't mean it's fine for you.

(06-14-2016, 04:57 PM)mysundial Wrote: If you have filled the rectangle with a color the commands you mention will appear not to work as the border lines will be the fill color.  If these commands work on an empty rectangle then everything is fine.  If not, then you have an issue as you mentioned.  Everything works fine for me but that doesn't mean it's fine for you.



If I select "Filled" under the "line type" drop down box it works fine (but the line and fill are the same colour).

Works in the Shapes, Select and Edit menus okay as well.

So select "Filled" in the "Line Type" drop down box and draw a square and it should work.

There does not appear to be a way of having different colours for fill and the lines except perhaps by grouping a filled shape with an unfilled shape with the Z-Order as you require. Messy!

I found a filled shaped cannot be decomposed into lines (under the Edit menu) so that does it for me - not possible.

Hope this helps.  

Regards AlanC

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