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Color Pallet Labels
Hi All,
Sorry I don't come around often, but I run a couple of businesses and my wife and I are finishing the house we built. Been building on it for 4 years and moved into it in October. Still isn't finished, but livable.
I designed it and drew the plans on DCad 7.0. Still using it and am very satisfied with it. May upgrade to 8.0, but I haven't found a need to[/font] yet. Otherwise I'm able to figure out most problems on my own.

Now that we are moved, I am working on my next project; drawing the plans to the airplane I built in 2007. I'm doing the final touches to the drawings and need a little help with the color pallet. I am red/green color deficient and am having some issues discerning the pallet. I made a .dc file with 2" x 2" squares of every color and had my wife help me with labeling many of them, but even she can't seem to see the difference between many of the colors.

Is there a labeled chart of the pallet anywhere? I did a cursory search and didn't find anything. If not, would someone care to try? I won't blame anyone if they would rather not, but maybe it would be helpful for others as well.

Central Iowa
If I were you I would set up a custom color pallet using only the colors you will need, however, the very top two lines of the standard pallet will contain all primary colors and a few extras (top line in order of appearance: Black, Red, Green, Yellow, blue, Cyan, Crimson, Dark Grey); below that are graduated shades of select colors. Still, your best bet is to design your own pallet so that the colors are in the order you want them to be in. I truly don't know if all colors can be identified by name, so the real question is, what colors do you use?

Chris "i44troll"
According to the DeltaCAD Macro manual the colors they use are:


The next 18 rows colors 16-159 are not named
Good find!
I'm way beyond this now, but the colors in DCad 8 are simply the colors from Microsoft found and used on most PC's.
And most DO have names. There are many other color charts on the web too. I copied one and made it a 'New' file which I can call up any time if needed. I also found it very necessary to calibrate my monitor in different lighting environments to be sure I could see them on the screen. Being Red/Green color deficient, and an optician, I've learned to use all the tools I can to help.
Here is one chart I found...I don't think it's the one I saved in DCad, but it gives a good idea of what you can do.

Here are the RED GREEN BLUE values for the chart posted by cdflite.
I could chart Deltacad's colors and see which ones match.

Color Name         Hex value  RED GREEN BLUE
AliceBlue            F0F8FF   240  248   255
AntiqueWhite         FAEBD7   250  235   215
Aqua                 00FFFF     0  255   255
Aquamarine           7FFFD4   127  255   212
Azure                F0FFFF   240  255   255
Beige                F5F5DC   245  245   220
Bisque               FFE4C4   255  228   196
Black                000000     0    0     0
BlanchedAlmond       FFEBCD   255  235   205
Blue                 0000FF     0    0   255
BlueViolet           8A2BE2   138   43   226
Brown                A52A2A   165   42    42
BurlyWood            DEB887   222  184   135
CadetBlue            5F9EA0    95  158   160
Chartreuse           7FFF00   127  255     0
Chocolate            D2691E   210  105    30
Coral                FF7F50   255  127    80
CornflowerBlue       6495ED   100  149   237
Cornsilk             FFF8DC   255  248   220
Crimson              DC143C   220   20    60
Cyan                 00FFFF     0  255   255
DarkBlue             00008B     0    0   139
DarkCyan             008B8B     0  139   139
DarkGoldenrod        B8860B   184  134    11
DarkGray             A9A9A9   169  169   169
DarkGreen            006400     0  100     0
DarkKhaki            BDB76B   189  183   107
DarkMagenta          8B008B   139    0   139
DarkOliveGreen       556B2F    85  107    47
DarkOrange           FF8C00   255  140     0
DarkOrchid           9932CC   153   50   204
DarkRed              8B0000   139    0     0
DarkSalmon           E9967A   233  150   122
DarkSeaGreen         8FBC8F   143  188   143
DarkSlateBlue        483D8B    72   61   139
DarkSlateGray        2F4F4F    47   79    79
DarkTurquoise        00CED1     0  206   209
DarkViolet           9400D3   148    0   211
DeepPink             FF1493   255   20   147
DeepSkyBlue          00BFFF     0  191   255
DimGray              696969   105  105   105
DodgerBlue           1E90FF    30  144   255
FireBrick            B22222   178   34    34
FloralWhite          FFFAF0   255  250   240
ForestGreen          228B22    34  139    34
Fuchsia              FF00FF   255    0   255
Gainsboro            DCDCDC   220  220   220
GhostWhite           F8F8FF   248  248   255
Gold                 FFD700   255  215     0
Goldenrod            DAA520   218  165    32
Gray                 808080   128  128   128
Green                008000     0  128     0
GreenYellow          ADFF2F   173  255    47
Honeydew             F0FFF0   240  255   240
HotPink              FF69B4   255  105   180
IndianRed            CD5C5C   205   92    92
Indigo               4B0082    75    0   130
Ivory                FFFFF0   255  255   240
Khaki                F0E68C   240  230   140
Lavender             E6E6FA   230  230   250
LavenderBlush        FFF0F5   255  240   245
LawnGreen            7CFC00   124  252     0
LemonChiffon         FFFACD   255  250   205
LightBlue            ADD8E6   173  216   230
LightCoral           F08080   240  128   128
LightCyan            E0FFFF   224  255   255
LightGoldenrodYellow FAFAD2   250  250   210
LightGray            D3D3D3   211  211   211
LightGreen           90EE90   144  238   144
LightPink            FFB6C1   255  182   193
LightSalmon          FFA07A   255  160   122
LightSeaGreen        20B2AA    32  178   170
LightSkyBlue         87CEFA   135  206   250
LightSlateGray       778899   119  136   153
LightSteelBlue       B0C4DE   176  196   222
LightYellow          FFFFE0   255  255   224
Lime                 00FF00     0  255     0
LimeGreen            32CD32    50  205    50
Linen                FAF0E6   250  240   230
Magenta              FF00FF   255    0   255
Maroon               800000   128    0     0
MediumAquamarine     66CDAA   102  205   170
MediumBlue           0000CD     0    0   205
MediumOrchid         BA55D3   186   85   211
MediumPurple         9370DB   147  112   219
MediumSeaGreen       3CB371    60  179   113
MediumSlateBlue      7B68EE   123  104   238
MediumSpringGreen    00FA9A     0  250   154
MediumTurquoise      48D1CC    72  209   204
MediumVioletRed      C71585   199   21   133
MidnightBlue         191970    25   25   112
MintCream            F5FFFA   245  255   250
MistyRose            FFE4E1   255  228   225
Moccasin             FFE4B5   255  228   181
NavahoWhite          FFDEAD   255  222   173
Navy                 000080     0    0   128
OldLace              FDF5E6   253  245   230
Olive                808000   128  128     0
OliveDrab            6B8E23   107  142    35
Orange               FFA500   255  165     0
OrangeRed            FF4500   255   69     0
Orchid               DA70D6   218  112   214
PaleGoldenrod        EEE8AA   238  232   170
PaleGreen            98FB98   152  251   152
PaleTurquoise        AFEEEE   175  238   238
PaleVioletRed        DB7093   219  112   147
PapayaWhip           FFEFD5   255  239   213
PeachPuff            FFDAB9   255  218   185
Peru                 CD853F   205  133    63
Pink                 FFC0CB   255  192   203
Plum                 DDA0DD   221  160   221
PowerBlue            B0E0E6   176  224   230
Purple               800080   128    0   128
Red                  FF0000   255    0     0
RosyBrown            BC8F8F   188  143   143
RoyalBlue            4169E1    65  105   225
SaddleBrown          8B4513   139   69    19
Salmon               FA8072   250  128   114
SandyBrown           F4A460   244  164    96
SeaGreen             2E8B57    46  139    87
SeaShell             FFF5EE   255  245   238
Sienna               A0522D   160   82    45
Silver               C0C0C0   192  192   192
SkyBlue              87CEEB   135  206   235
SlateBlue            6A5ACD   106   90   205
SlateGray            708090   112  128   144
Snow                 FFFAFA   255  250   250
SpringGreen          00FF7F     0  255   127
SteelBlue            4682B4    70  130   180
Tan                  D2B48C   210  180   140
Teal                 008080     0  128   128
Thisle               D8BFD8   216  191   216
Tomato               FF6347   255   99    71
Transparent          FFFFFF   255  255   255
Turquoise            40E0D0    64  224   208
Violet               EE82EE   238  130   238
Wheat                F5DEB3   245  222   179
White                FFFFFF   255  255   255
WhiteSmoke           F5F5F5   245  245   245
Yellow               FFFF00   255  255     0
YellowGreen          9ACD32   154  205    50
Only the first 16 Deltacad colors (0-15) matches Microsoft colors. Some even has two names.
The rest of the list I checked +/- 5 to get close matches and then there are some color names getting matched more than once.
 Deltacad        Microsoft
    R   G   B
 0/  0   0   0      Black/0 0 0
 1/255   0   0      Red/255 0 0
 2/  0 255   0      Lime/0 255 0
 3/255 255   0      Yellow/255 255 0
 4/  0   0 255      Blue/0 0 255
 5/255   0 255      Fuchsia/255 0 255
 5/255   0 255      Magenta/255 0 255
 6/128   0   0      Maroon/128 0 0
 7/128 128 128      Gray/128 128 128
 8/192 192 192      Silver/192 192 192
 9/  0 255 255      Aqua/0 255 255
 9/  0 255 255      Cyan/0 255 255
10/  0 128   0      Green/0 128 0
11/128 128   0  Olive/128 128 0
12/  0   0 128      Navy/0 0 128
13/128   0 128      Purple/128 0 128
14/  0 128 128      Teal/0 128 128
15/255 255 255      Transparent/255 255 255
15/255 255 255      White/255 255 255
31/255 244 232      OldLace/253 245 230
43/128 255   0      Chartreuse/127 255 0
43/128 255   0      LawnGreen/124 252 0
53/156 255 156      PaleGreen/152 251 152
59/  0 255 128      SpringGreen/0 255 127
82/  0   0 201      MediumBlue/0 0 205
118/255 247 201      LemonChiffon/255 250 205
126/255 235 201      BlanchedAlmond/255 235 205
127/255 246 232      OldLace/253 245 230
143/246 244 232      Linen/250 240 230
147/125 125 125      Gray/128 128 128
151/193 193 193      Silver/192 192 192
153/215 215 215      LightGray/211 211 211
154/223 223 223      Gainsboro/220 220 220
157/242 242 242      WhiteSmoke/245 245 245
158/247 247 247      WhiteSmoke/245 245 245
159/251 251 251      GhostWhite/248 248 255
159/251 251 251      Snow/255 250 250
159/251 251 251      Transparent/255 255 255
159/251 251 251      White/255 255 255
Al, it's pretty obvious that you've put in quite a bit of time and effort on this, and I thank you very much for it. I've copied the lists and I know I'm going to be putting them to good use. Thanks again.
Here is a simple macro that let's you change the color of each of the 7 different types of objects in one dialog box.

Sub Main
Dim button As Integer
Dim color As Long
Dim PTcolor As Long
Dim LNcolor As Long
Dim CLcolor As Long
Dim SHcolor As Long
Dim TXcolor As Long
Dim DMcolor As Long
Dim SPcolor As Long
Dim pointperm As Boolean
Dim LNlinetype As Long  
Dim CLlinetype As Long
Dim SHlinetype As Long
Dim SPlinetype As Long
Dim LNlineweight As Long
Dim CLlineweight As Long
Dim SHlineweight As Long
Dim SPlineweight As Long
Dim TXfontname As String
Dim DMfontname As String
Dim TXfontstyle As String
Dim DMfontstyle As String
Dim TXangle As Double
Dim TXheight As Double
Dim DMheight As Double
Dim flags As Long
Dim excharspacing As Double
Dim exlinespacing As Double
Dim InOut As Boolean
Dim AlwaysHorz As Boolean
Dim ColorCode(30) As Integer
Dim ColorName$(30) As String
'*****************************  Color Code List **************************
'<<  Leave ColorName$(##) and ColorCode(##) numbers in sequence 1 - 30 >>
'<<  Deltacad Color Names and Numbers can be in any order  >>
'< Dialog Position    Color Name                     Deltacad Color Number 0 - 159 >
   ColorName$(1)  = "Black":        ColorCode(1)  =  0
   ColorName$(2)  = "Red":          ColorCode(2)  =  1
   ColorName$(3)  = "Green":        ColorCode(3)  =  2
   ColorName$(4)  = "Yellow":       ColorCode(4)  =  3
   ColorName$(5)  = "Blue":         ColorCode(5)  =  4
   ColorName$(6)  = "Purple":       ColorCode(6)  =  5
   ColorName$(7)  = "Brown":        ColorCode(7)  =  6
   ColorName$(8)  = "Dark Gray":    ColorCode(8)  =  7
   ColorName$(9)  = "Light Gray":   ColorCode(9)  =  8
   ColorName$(10) = "Light Blue":   ColorCode(10) =  9
   ColorName$(11) = "Dark Green":   ColorCode(11) = 10
   ColorName$(12) = "Green Yellow": ColorCode(12) = 11
   ColorName$(13) = "Dark Blue":    ColorCode(13) = 12
   ColorName$(14) = "Dark Purple":  ColorCode(14) = 13
   ColorName$(15) = "Gray Blue":    ColorCode(15) = 14
   ColorName$(16) = "White":        ColorCode(16) = 15
   ColorName$(17) = "Dark Brown":   ColorCode(17) = 16  '<-- I made this one up
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New Colors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   'ColorName$(18) = "Color Name":  ColorCode(18) = 0 - 159
   'ColorName$(19) = "Color Name":  ColorCode(19) = 0 - 159
   'ColorName$(20) = "Color Name":  ColorCode(20) = 0 - 159
   'ColorName$(21) = "Color Name":  ColorCode(21) = 0 - 159
   'ColorName$(22) = "Color Name":  ColorCode(22) = 0 - 159
   'ColorName$(23) = "Color Name":  ColorCode(23) = 0 - 159
   'ColorName$(24) = "Color Name":  ColorCode(24) = 0 - 159
   'ColorName$(25) = "Color Name":  ColorCode(25) = 0 - 159
   'ColorName$(26) = "Color Name":  ColorCode(26) = 0 - 159
   'ColorName$(27) = "Color Name":  ColorCode(27) = 0 - 159
   'ColorName$(28) = "Color Name":  ColorCode(28) = 0 - 159
   'ColorName$(29) = "Color Name":  ColorCode(29) = 0 - 159
   'ColorName$(30) = "Color Name":  ColorCode(30) = 0 - 159
     ObjectType$="Point":     dcGetPointParms  color, pointperm
                              gosub GetColorCode:  PTcolor=color2
     ObjectType$="Line":      dcGetLineParms   color, LNlinetype, LNlineweight
                              gosub GetColorCode:  LNcolor=color2
     ObjectType$="Circle":    dcGetCircleParms color, CLlinetype, CLlineweight
                              gosub GetColorCode:  CLcolor=color2
     ObjectType$="Shape":     dcGetShapesParms color, SHlinetype, SHlineweight
                              gosub GetColorCode:  SHcolor=color2
     ObjectType$="Text":      dcGetTextParms   color, TXfontname, TXfontstyle, TXangle, TXheight, flags, excharspacing, exlinespacing
                              gosub GetColorCode:  TXcolor=color2
     ObjectType$="Dimension": dcGetDimParms    color, DMfontname, DMfontstyle, DMheight, InOut, AlwaysHorz
                              gosub GetColorCode:  DMcolor=color2
     ObjectType$="Spline":    dcGetSplineParms color, SPlinetype, SPlineweight
                              gosub GetColorCode:  SPcolor=color2
'<<  The following OptionButton Color Names to match ColorName$(##) from above  >>
Begin Dialog NEWDLG 144,4, 242, 180, "Color Dialog Box"     '<== increase value 180 by 9 for each additional color added ==>
 OptionGroup .ColorGroup
   OptionButton 28,  16, 55, 9, "Black"
   OptionButton 28,  25, 55, 9, "Red"
   OptionButton 28,  34, 55, 9, "Green"
   OptionButton 28,  43, 55, 9, "Yellow"
   OptionButton 28,  52, 55, 9, "Blue"
   OptionButton 28,  61, 55, 9, "Purple"
   OptionButton 28,  70, 55, 9, "Brown"
   OptionButton 28,  79, 55, 9, "Dark Gray"
   OptionButton 28,  88, 55, 9, "Light Gray"
   OptionButton 28,  97, 55, 9, "Light Blue"
   OptionButton 28, 106, 55, 9, "Dark Green"
   OptionButton 28, 115, 55, 9, "Green Yellow"
   OptionButton 28, 124, 55, 9, "Dark Blue"
   OptionButton 28, 133, 55, 9, "Dark Purple"
   OptionButton 28, 142, 55, 9, "Gray Blue"
   OptionButton 28, 151, 55, 9, "White"
   OptionButton 28, 160, 55, 9, "Dark Brown"
   'OptionButton 28, 169, 55, 9, "Color Name"
   'OptionButton 28, 178, 55, 9, "Color Name"
   'OptionButton 28, 187, 55, 9, "Color Name"
   'OptionButton 28, 196, 55, 9, "Color Name"
   'OptionButton 28, 205, 55, 9, "Color Name"
   'OptionButton 28, 214, 55, 9, "Color Name"
   'OptionButton 28, 223, 55, 9, "Color Name"
   'OptionButton 28, 232, 55, 9, "Color Name"
   'OptionButton 28, 241, 55, 9, "Color Name"
   'OptionButton 28, 250, 55, 9, "Color Name"
   'OptionButton 28, 259, 55, 9, "Color Name"
   'OptionButton 28, 268, 55, 9, "Color Name"
   'OptionButton 28, 277, 55, 9, "Color Name"
   'Picture  10, 15, 15, 158, "C:\Program Files\DeltaCAD\ColorBar3.bmp"  '<== Optional Color Bar (This file is 24 X 308)
 GroupBox 5,2,100,175, "Select Color"
'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 OptionGroup .TypeGroup
   OptionButton 116,20,55,8, "PointType"
   OptionButton 116,32,55,8, "LineType"
   OptionButton 116,44,55,8, "CircleType"
   OptionButton 116,56,55,8, "Shape Type"
   OptionButton 116,68,55,8, "Text Type"
   OptionButton 116,80,55,8, "Dim Type"
   OptionButton 116,92,55,8, "Spline Type"
 GroupBox 112,4,120,108, "Select Object Type  / Current Color"
'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 TextBox 176,20,48,8, .PointColor
 TextBox 176,32,48,8, .LineColor
 TextBox 176,44,48,8, .CircleColor
 TextBox 176,56,48,8, .ShapeColor
 TextBox 176,68,48,8, .TextColor
 TextBox 176,80,48,8, .DimColor
 TextBox 176,92,48,8, .SplineColor
'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 OKButton 115,118,50,14
 PushButton 115,135,50,14, "Done", .X
End Dialog
  Dim dlg As newdlg
  dlg.PointColor  = ColorName$(PTcolor)
  dlg.LineColor   = ColorName$(LNcolor)
  dlg.CircleColor = ColorName$(CLcolor)
  dlg.ShapeColor  = ColorName$(SHcolor)
  dlg.TextColor   = ColorName$(TXcolor)
  dlg.DimColor    = ColorName$(DMcolor)
  dlg.SplineColor = ColorName$(SPcolor)
  button = Dialog(dlg)
  If button = 0 Or button = 1 Then End
  If button Then
     ColorNum = ColorCode(newdlg.ColorGroup+1)
     ObjectType  = newdlg.TypeGroup
     Select Case ObjectType
     Case 0
        dcSetPointParms  ColorNum, pointperm
     Case 1
        dcSetLineParms   ColorNum, LNlinetype, LNlineweight
     Case 2
        dcSetCircleParms ColorNum, CLlinetype, CLlineweight
     Case 3
        dcSetShapesParms ColorNum, SHlinetype, SHlineweight
     Case 4
        dcSetTextParms   ColorNum, TXfontname, TXfontstyle, TXangle, TXheight, flags, excharspacing, exlinespacing
     Case 5
        dcSetDimParms    ColorNum, DMfontname, DMfontstyle, DMheight, InOut, AlwaysHorz
     Case 6
        dcSetSplineParms ColorNum, SPlinetype, SPlineweight
     End Select
     GoTo GetButton
  End If
'========================== Retrieves the color of each Object type =======================
  For c = 1 to 30
    If color = ColorCode(c) Then
       color2 = c
    End If
  Next c
  MsgBox "Color code "+Str$(color)+" in "+ObjectType$+" type not found in 'Color Code List'"
End Sub

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