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Suggestion to DeltaCad
Please move this if I've mis-posted...

Here's a change I'd like to see in a future version. I often delete things by mistake becasue the Er button in Edit remains selected if you exit Edit and come back later- I'd like to see it default to E on each return to Edit.

In fact, even better, would be to make the Er function only work once, like the select middle of line as selected in the bottom right of the screen.

Or, it could be an option somewhere- allow the user to set the Er behaviour as
  • stay clicked once chosen
  • default to E on each return to Edit
  • one-shot
(03-27-2009, 02:42 AM)JimBrown Wrote: Or, it could be an option somewhere- allow the user to set the Er behaviour as
  • stay clicked once chosen
  • default to E on each return to Edit
  • one-shot
I have deleted stuff by accident as well. I would think you're aware that you can "undo" prior actions using the windows edit menu item? Quoted above is a good idea too.
(03-27-2009, 03:08 AM)Sparky Wrote: I would think you're aware that you can "undo" prior actions using the windows edit menu item?

Ctrl-Z is the finest invention in the history of personal computing... Cool
(03-27-2009, 05:08 AM)JimBrown Wrote:
(03-27-2009, 03:08 AM)Sparky Wrote: I would think you're aware that you can "undo" prior actions using the windows edit menu item?

Ctrl-Z is the finest invention in the history of personal computing... Cool
[Image: laughsmiley.jpg]
I never even knew that!

Just so you know, we have no control over how DeltaCad is written or functions. This group & web site is not affiliated with Midnight Software or DeltaCad, except that they have given us permission to use the DeltaCad logo on this site.

You may want to contact Midnight Software, the makers of DeltaCad, with your suggestion.

Though, I too do things that I didn't intend to do because of some preselected mode. Not only in DeltaCad, but in other software as well. I have found that 'Undo' is a magical feature, and often a real frustration (time) saver, in all programs. Especially when multiple Undo's are permitted (stored) by the software.

Sometimes I'll even do a bit of experimenting, knowing that I can always get back to where I started from by using the 'Undo' function.
Thanks- I sort of "knew" there was no affiliation, just that in my experience user groups have a bit more sway than a bunch of individuals.... suggestions that have been filtered, discussed, honed in a forum are likely to be more realistic than off the top of the head ideas from individuals imo.

Heck yes, where would we be without the magic of Undo.... pity we can't shout "Undo!!" in real life, that split second too late, when we're thinking, "Oops, I shouldn't have said that"
(03-27-2009, 08:17 AM)JimBrown Wrote: pity we can't shout "Undo!!" in real life, that split second too late, when we're thinking, "Oops, I shouldn't have said that"
Ain't THAT the truth!

I have invited the DeltaCad folks to visit our site, scan through and/or join these forums. I don't know if they have or not, as they haven't made their presence known, but the offer still stands.

I actually had suggested that they start a DeltaCad User Group of their own, before creating this one. I had quite a lengthy discussion regarding the need for one. Unfortunately, they had declined the suggestion due to the difficulty in preventing the posting of 3rd party copyrighted files nor did they want to assume any liability should that occur. This is why any submitted DeltaCad files must go through me before I make them available for downloading on the site.

They did, however, give their blessings and encouragement to create this site and they did agree that such a site and group was a good idea, as long as it can be properly and diligently monitored. Which is something they simply couldn't commit the required resources to themselves.

As far as having more pull or sway as a group, we really don't have anymore influence than any other user of their software. Though I'm sure they would more readily consider a compiled "wish list of possible new features" for the next version of DeltaCad from a users group rather than from an individual user.

I honestly can't say whether any of the new features in version 7 were inspired by user's suggestions or if they were simply a result of some brainstorming sessions by the programmers. I can say that those new features were not discussed here prior to the release of version 7.

I certainly wouldn't mind if they would ask our opinion, as a group, on any features we would like to have enhanced and/or added in the next version. But as yet, they haven't done so.
Maybe what you could do, is have a space in this forum for suggested enhancements to DC, then every now-and-then bundle them up and ship them to the makers. By bundle them up I mean eliminate duplications, refine the wording if we're not clear, put them in some kind of ranking (perhaps after a poll).
I would consider that, but IMO that would imply some sort of an affiliation or special connection with Midnight Software and DeltaCad.

Since no one here, that I know of, is a representative of or has the authority to respond on behalf of Midnight Software or DeltaCad to any proposals or suggestions posted here, as to why or what may or may not be a considered for implementation in a future release of DeltaCad, I would prefer not have a special forum for such.

However, anyone is welcome to post suggestions or "wish lists" for future releases of DeltaCad and discuss them or create polls on these forums to allow others to vote on such features and/or enhancements they would like to have included in a future DeltaCad release.

I have and will continue to share such proposals with Midnight Software, as a representative of this group. But I would also encourage any and all individual users to contact them directly with their proposed suggestions so that they can respond directly to such requests. That way they could let that user know whether or not such features or enhancements are feasible within the scope of the DeltaCad software project or if such features have already been considered.

Personally, I've always received a timely and detailed response from them, whether it's been a "How to..." question or a new feature request.

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