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Macro for Sprocket
Thanks, Al, but I'm not that kind of person. AaaaaHahahaaa
Hi, I have done some progress.

'-------WRITE BY QUARKQ PAWEL S.-------------------------------------------
Sub Main()
Begin Dialog SPROCKETDIALOG 50,47, 182, 74, "Sprocket Maker"
  Text 4,10,65,12, "Number of Teetch"
  TextBox 68,8,49,12, .IDD_Tn
  Text 4,26,65,12, "Pitch of Chain"
  TextBox 68,24,49,12, .IDD_P
  Text 4,42,97,12, "Roler Diameter"
  TextBox 68,40,49,12, .IDD_Rd
  Text 4,58,97,12, "Roller Clearance"
  TextBox 68,56,49,12, .IDD_Backlash
  OKButton 136,15,37,12
  CancelButton 136,40,37,12
End Dialog

Dim dlg As SprocketDialog
Dim ot As Double
Dim si As Double
Dim ti As Double
Dim s As Double
Dim t As Double
Dim x As Double
Dim y As Double
Dim K As Double
Dim d As Double
Dim xp As Double
Dim yp As Double
Dim a As Double
Dim b As Double
Dim c As Double
Dim r0 As Double
Dim r1 As Double
Dim xt12 As Double
Dim yt12 As Double
Dim xt34 As Double
Dim yt34 As Double
Dim xt56 As Double
Dim yt56 As Double
Dim xt78 As Double
Dim yt78 As Double

dcSetDrawingScale 1.0
dcSetDrawingUnits dcMillimeters
dcSetLineParms dcBLACK, dcSOLID, dcNORMAL
dcSetCircleParms dcBLACK, dcSOLID, dcNORMAL
dcSetPointParms dcRED, False

dlg.IDD_Tn = "18"                     'Teetch number
dlg.IDD_P = "12.7"                 'Pitch
dlg.IDD_Rd = "8.5"                     'Roler circle
dlg.IDD_Backlash = "0.1"
Button = Dialog(dlg)
If Button = -1 Then
Sprock  dlg.IDD_Tn,dlg.IDD_P,dlg.IDD_Rd,dlg.IDD_Backlash,0,0
End If
End Sub

Sub Sprock(ByVal Tn As Double,ByVal P As Double,ByVal Rd As Double,ByVal BACKLASH As Double, ByVal cx As Double, ByVal cy As Double)
Pr =(((P * Tn) / Pi) / 2 )                     'Pitch Diameter

dcCreateLine 0, 0, 0, Pr+(Rd*0.5)
'dcCreateCircle 0, 0, Pr                     'Pitch Diameter
'dcCreateCircle 0, 0, Pr+(Rd*0.25)             'Pitch Circumferen ce 25% of Roller Diameter  
dcCreateCircle 0, Pr, (Rd+Backlash)/2         'Roler circle plus 0.15
dcCreateCircle 0, W/2+(Pr+(Rd*0.25)) ,W/2     'Little circle
dcSelectObjInBox -1, Pr+(Rd*0.25), 1,W/2+(Pr+(Rd*0.25))
dcSetSelectBase 0, 0
dcRotateSelObjs 360/Tn/2
dcSetSelCopyMode True
dcRotateSelObjs (360/Tn/2)*(Tn-1)*2

'circle big one
    a=0                          'x1 =
    b=Pr                       'y1 =
    r0=((Rd+Backlash)/2)              'r1 =

    si=s*Cos(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)-t*Sin(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)   'X smaller circle center
    ti=s*Sin(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)+t*Cos(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)   'Y smaller circle center
      'dcCreatePoint si,ti

' circle 2 little one  right
    c=si *-1      'x2 =
    d=ti         'y2 =
    r1=(W/2)       'r0    


dcCreateLine xt56,yt56,xt78,yt78   '    tangent line on right

dcSelectObjInBox xt56+0.2,yt56+0.2,xt78-0.2,yt78-0.2
dcSetSelCopyMode True
dcMirrorSelObjs 0, 0, 0, 2

dcCreateText -20, -5, 3, "Teeth="
dcCreateText -5, -5, 3,   Tn
dcCreateText -20, -10, 3, "Pitch="
dcCreateText -7, -10, 3, P
dcCreateText -20, -15, 3, "Roller_D="
dcCreateText 1, -15, 3,    Rd

End Sub

Try this. I have problem to trim circles, i can't find dctrim... or something..
You will have to use dcCreateCircleEx (cx, cy, xa, ya, xb, yb, hrad, wrad, angle, arrow)

This function creates a circle, arc, ellipse, or elliptical arc. cx and cy are the center,

xa/ya and xb/yb are the endpoints of an arc. If you are drawing a complete circle
(i.e. not an arc) then xa/ya and xb/yb should be the same point. If you are drawing
an arc it is drawn counterclockwise from xa/ya to xb/yb. hrad is the height radius,
and wrad is the width radius. If drawing a circle (i.e. not an ellipse) set hrad and
wrad to the same value. angle is the angle of the ellipse in degrees (it is ignored
for circles). arrow indicates which end of the arc segment should get an arrow
head. 1 is end A, and 2 is end B. The arrow value is only used if the line type is
set to an arrow line.

Return Value: True if successful, otherwise False.

Sub Main
dcCreateCircleEx 0, 0, 1.41, 1.41, 1.41, 1.41, 1, 2, 45, 0
End Sub 

P.S. I noticed your the endpoints of your tangent lines are a little bit different than the endpoints that DeltaCad makes.
If you set the line and circle thickness to thin and then go into Options/Drawing Data... and set the Thin Line thickness to a smaller number like .005 you can see the mismatch.
Thanks  AlwMVMO
I found mistake.  Should be fine now.

'-------WRITE BY QUARKQ PAWEL S.-------------------------------------------
Sub Main()
Begin Dialog SPROCKETDIALOG 50,47, 182, 94, "Sprocket Maker"
 Text 4,10,65,12, "Number of Teetch"
 TextBox 68,8,49,12, .IDD_Tn
 Text 4,26,65,12, "Pitch of Chain"
 TextBox 68,24,49,12, .IDD_P
 Text 4,42,97,12, "Roler Diameter"
 TextBox 68,40,49,12, .IDD_Rd
 Text 4,58,97,12, "Roller Clearance"
 TextBox 68,56,49,12, .IDD_Backlash
 Text 4,72,97,12, "Centre Hole_D"
 TextBox 68,72,49,12, .IDD_j

 OKButton 136,15,37,12
 CancelButton 136,40,37,12
End Dialog

Dim dlg As SprocketDialog
Dim si As Double
Dim ti As Double
Dim s As Double
Dim t As Double
Dim x As Double
Dim y As Double
Dim d As Double
Dim xp As Double
Dim yp As Double
Dim a As Double
Dim b As Double
Dim c As Double
Dim r0 As Double
Dim r1 As Double
Dim xt56 As Double
Dim yt56 As Double
Dim xt78 As Double
Dim yt78 As Double

dcSetDrawingScale 1.0
dcSetDrawingUnits dcMillimeters
dcSetLineParms dcBLACK, dcSOLID, dcNORMAL
dcSetCircleParms dcBLACK, dcSOLID, dcNORMAL
dcSetPointParms dcRED, False

dlg.IDD_Tn = "18"                     'Teetch number
dlg.IDD_P = "9.525"                 'Pitch
dlg.IDD_Rd = "6.5"                     'Roler circle
dlg.IDD_Backlash = "0.1"
dlg.IDD_j = "10"
Button = Dialog(dlg)
If Button = -1 Then
Sprock  dlg.IDD_Tn,dlg.IDD_P,dlg.IDD_Rd,dlg.IDD_Backlash,dlg.IDD_j,0,0
End If
End Sub

Sub Sprock(ByVal Tn As Double,ByVal P As Double,ByVal Rd As Double,ByVal BACKLASH As Double,ByVal j As Double, ByVal cx As Double, ByVal cy As Double)
Pr =(P/Sin((180/Tn)*pi/180))/2      '(((P * Tn) / Pi) / 2 )                     'Pitch Diameter

dcCreateLine 0, 0, 0, Pr+(Rd*0.35)
'dcCreateCircle 0, 0, Pr                                               'Pitch Diameter
'dcCreateCircle 0, 0, Pr+(Rd*0.25)                                     'Pitch Circumferen ce 25% of Roller Diameter  
'dcCreateCircle 0, Pr, (Rd+Backlash)/2                                   'Roler circle plus 0.1
'dcCreateCircle 0, W/2+(Pr+(Rd*0.25)) ,W/2                             'Little circle
'dcCreateCircleEx 0, W/2+(Pr+(Rd*0.25)), 90, -90, 0, 90, w/2, w/2, 0, 0         'Little circle
dcCreateCircle 0, 0, j/2

dcSelectObjInBox -1, Pr+(Rd*0.25), 1,W/2+(Pr+(Rd*0.25))
dcSetSelectBase 0, 0
dcRotateSelObjs 360/Tn/2
dcSetSelCopyMode True
dcRotateSelObjs (360/Tn/2)*(Tn-1)*2
dcMirrorSelObjs 0, 0, 0, 2

    si=s*Cos(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)-t*Sin(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)               'X smaller circle center
    ti=s*Sin(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)+t*Cos(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)                'Y smaller circle center

'little circle end point 2
    mi=m*Cos(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)-n*Sin(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)               'X smal circle center
    ni=m*Sin(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)+n*Cos(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)                  'Y smal circle center

'circle big one
     a=0                                                  'x1 =
    b=Pr                                               'y1 =
    r0=((Rd+Backlash)/2)                                      'r1 =
'circle 2 little one  right
    c=si *-1                                              'x2 =
    d=ti                                                'y2 =
    r1=(W/2)                                              'r0    


dcCreateLine xt56,yt56,xt78,yt78                               '    tangent line on right

dcSelectObjInBox xt56+0.2,yt56+0.2,xt78-0.2,yt78-0.2
dcSetSelCopyMode True
dcMirrorSelObjs 0, 0, 0, 2                                     'mirror line
                                                    'proba duzego na promien
dcCreateCircleEx 0, Pr, -xt56, yt56, xt56, yt56, (Rd+Backlash)/2, (Rd+Backlash)/2, 0, 0

dcCreateCircleEx si, ti, -xt78, yt78, mi, ni, W/2, W/2, 0, 0

dcSelectObjInBox si+0.1, ti, si+0.2,ti+30
dcSetSelCopyMode True
dcMirrorSelObjs 0, 0, 0, 2

dcSelectObjInBox -1, -1, 1, 1

dcSetSelectBase 0, 0

For z=0 to Tn-1
dcRotateSelObjs 360/Tn
dcSetSelCopyMode True

Next z

dcSetTextParms dcRED, “Arial”, “Normalny”, 0,2,0, 0.1, 0
dcCreateText 0, -5, 3, "Teeth="
dcCreateText 2.4, -5, 3,Tn
dcCreateText 0, -6, 3, "Pitch="
dcCreateText 2.2, -6, 3,P
dcCreateText 0, -7, 3, "Roller_D="
dcCreateText 3.6, -7, 3.5,Rd
dcCreateText 0, -8, 3, "Pitch_D="
dcCreateText 3.3, -8, 4,Pr*2
dcCreateText 0, -9, 3, "Max_D="
dcCreateText 3, -9, 4,(Pr+(Rd*0.35))*2

End Sub

That last version worked spot on for me.

I want to thank you for all of your hard work. And I want to thank AlwMVMO for his contribution as well.

The forum now has a brand spanking new macro!

Thanks again.
I made some improvements to the text at the end of the macro.

   NL$ = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
   SprText$ = "Teeth=" + Str$(Tn) + NL$
   SprText$ = SprText$ + "Pitch=" + Str$(P) + NL$
   SprText$ = SprText$ + "Roller_D=" + Str$(Rd) + NL$
   SprText$ = SprText$ + "Pitch_D=" + Str$(Pr*2) + NL$
   SprText$ = SprText$ + "Max_D=" + Str$((Pr+(Rd*0.35))*2)
   dcCreateText 0, -5, 0, SprText$

I translated the comment 'proba duzego na promien', I got 'large test per radius'.
Can there be a selection of either millimeters or inches?
Thanks for text improve AlwMVMO. It is much better now.

Inches for Williamj, but doesn't work propely, i have no idea why. I hope AlwMVMO will help.

''-------WRITE BY QUARKQ ,  AlwMVMO, Williamj -------------------------------------
Sub Main()
Begin Dialog SPROCKETDIALOG 50,47, 182, 114, "Sprocket Maker"
  Text 4,10,65,12, "Number of Teetch"
  TextBox 68,8,49,12, .IDD_Tn
  Text 4,26,65,12, "Pitch of Chain"
  TextBox 68,24,49,12, .IDD_P
  Text 4,42,97,12, "Roler Diameter"
  TextBox 68,40,49,12, .IDD_Rd
  Text 4,58,97,12, "Roller Clearance"
  TextBox 68,56,49,12, .IDD_Backlash
  Text 4,74,97,12, "Centre Hole_D"
  TextBox 68,74,49,12, .IDD_j
  Text 4,90,97,12, "mm=1   inch=2"
  TextBox 68,90,49,12, .IDD_k

  OKButton 136,15,37,12
  CancelButton 136,40,37,12
End Dialog

Dim dlg As SprocketDialog
Dim si As Double
Dim ti As Double
Dim s As Double
Dim t As Double
Dim x As Double
Dim y As Double
Dim d As Double
Dim xp As Double
Dim yp As Double
Dim a As Double
Dim b As Double
Dim c As Double
Dim r0 As Double
Dim r1 As Double
Dim xt56 As Double
Dim yt56 As Double
Dim xt78 As Double
Dim yt78 As Double

dcSetLineParms dcBLACK, dcSOLID, dcNORMAL
dcSetCircleParms dcBLACK, dcSOLID, dcNORMAL
dcSetPointParms dcRED, False

dlg.IDD_Tn = "18"                     'Teetch number
dlg.IDD_P = "9.525"                 'Pitch
dlg.IDD_Rd = "6.5"                     'Roler circle
dlg.IDD_Backlash = "0.1"
dlg.IDD_j = "10"
dlg.IDD_k = "1"
Button = Dialog(dlg)
If Button = -1 Then
Sprock  dlg.IDD_Tn,dlg.IDD_P,dlg.IDD_Rd,dlg.IDD_Backlash,dlg.IDD_j,dlg.IDD_k,0,0
End If
End Sub

Sub Sprock(ByVal Tn As Double,ByVal P As Double,ByVal Rd As Double,ByVal BACKLASH As Double,ByVal j As Double,ByVal k As Double, ByVal cx As Double, ByVal cy As Double)
Pr =(P/Sin((180/Tn)*pi/180))/2      '(((P * Tn) / Pi) / 2 )                     'Pitch Diameter

If(dcSelectAll) Then dcEraseSelObjs

dcSetDrawingScale 1.0
If k=1 Then
dcSetDrawingUnits dcMillimeters
ElseIf k=2 Then
dcSetDrawingUnits dcInches
ElseIf k>2 Then
End If

dcCreateLine 0, 0, 0, Pr+(Rd*0.5)
'dcCreateCircle 0, 0, Pr                                               'Pitch Diameter
'dcCreateCircle 0, 0, Pr+(Rd*0.25)                                     'Pitch Circumferen ce 25% of Roller Diameter  
'dcCreateCircle 0, Pr, (Rd+Backlash)/2                                   'Roler circle plus 0.1
'dcCreateCircle 0, W/2+(Pr+(Rd*0.25)) ,W/2                             'Little circle
'dcCreateCircleEx 0, W/2+(Pr+(Rd*0.25)), 90, -90, 0, 90, w/2, w/2, 0, 0         'Little circle

dcSelectObjInBox -1, Pr+(Rd*0.25), 1,W/2+(Pr+(Rd*0.25))
dcSetSelectBase 0, 0
dcRotateSelObjs 360/Tn/2
dcSetSelCopyMode True
dcRotateSelObjs (360/Tn/2)*(Tn-1)*2
dcMirrorSelObjs 0, 0, 0, 2

    si=s*Cos(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)-t*Sin(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)               'X smaller circle center
    ti=s*Sin(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)+t*Cos(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)                'Y smaller circle center

'little circle end point 2
    mi=m*Cos(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)-n*Sin(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)               'X smal circle center
    ni=m*Sin(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)+n*Cos(((360/Tn/2)*Pi)/180)                  'Y smal circle center

'circle big one
      a=0                                                  'x1 =
    b=Pr                                               'y1 =
    r0=((Rd+Backlash)/2)                                      'r1 =
'circle 2 little one  right
    c=si *-1                                              'x2 =
    d=ti                                                'y2 =
    r1=(W/2)                                              'r0    


dcCreateLine xt56,yt56,xt78,yt78                               '    tangent line on right

dcSelectObjInBox xt56+0.2,yt56+0.2,xt78-0.2,yt78-0.2
dcSetSelCopyMode True
dcMirrorSelObjs 0, 0, 0, 2                                     'mirror line
                                                    'proba duzego na promien
dcCreateCircleEx 0, Pr, -xt56, yt56, xt56, yt56, (Rd+Backlash)/2, (Rd+Backlash)/2, 0, 0

dcCreateCircleEx si, ti, -xt78, yt78, mi, ni, W/2, W/2, 0, 0

dcSelectObjInBox si+0.1, ti, si+0.2,ti+30
dcSetSelCopyMode True
dcMirrorSelObjs 0, 0, 0, 2

dcSelectObjInBox -1, -1, 1, 1

dcSetSelectBase 0, 0

For z=0 to Tn-1
dcRotateSelObjs 360/Tn
dcSetSelCopyMode True

Next z
dcCreateCircle 0, 0, j/2

dcSetTextParms dcRED, “Arial”, “Normalny”, 0,2,0, 0.1, 0
NL$ = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
   SprText$ = "Teeth=" + Str$(Tn) + NL$
   SprText$ = SprText$ + "Pitch=" + Str$(P) + NL$
   SprText$ = SprText$ + "Roller_D=" + Str$(Rd) + NL$
   SprText$ = SprText$ + "Pitch_D=" + Str$(Pr*2) + NL$
   SprText$ = SprText$ + "Max_D=" + Str$((Pr+(Rd*0.35))*2)
   dcCreateText 0, -5, 0, SprText$

End Sub
I simpified this
'From >
If k=1 Then
dcSetDrawingUnits dcMillimeters
ElseIf k=2 Then
dcSetDrawingUnits dcInches
ElseIf k>2 Then
End If

'To this >

If k<>2 Then
   dcSetDrawingUnits dcMillimeters
   dcSetDrawingUnits dcInches
End If

And change this line
'From >
dcSetTextParms dcRED, “Arial”, “Normalny”, 0,2,0, 0.1, 0

'To this >

If k=1 Then
  dcSetTextParms dcRED, “Arial”, “Normalny”, 0,2,0, 0.1, 0
  dcSetTextParms dcRED, “Arial”, “Normalny”, 0,50,0, 0.1, 0
End If

And I added the Units setting to the text
'From this >
SprText$ = "Teeth=" + Str$(Tn) + NL$
  SprText$ = SprText$ + "Pitch=" + Str$(P) + NL$
  SprText$ = SprText$ + "Roller_D=" + Str$(Rd) + NL$
  SprText$ = SprText$ + "Pitch_D=" + Str$(Pr*2) + NL$
  SprText$ = SprText$ + "Max_D=" + Str$((Pr+(Rd*0.35))*2)

'To this >
SprText$ = "Teeth=" + Str$(Tn) + NL$
  SprText$ = SprText$ + "Pitch=" + Str$(P) + NL$
  SprText$ = SprText$ + "Roller_D=" + Str$(Rd) + NL$
  SprText$ = SprText$ + "Pitch_D=" + Str$(Pr*2) + NL$
  SprText$ = SprText$ + "Max_D=" + Str$((Pr+(Rd*0.35))*2)+ NL$
  SprText$ = SprText$ + "Units=" +kText$

The text was there, it was very small, needed to be 25 times larger for inches.
This line should be change four times
To use inches this line should be change
dcSelectObjInBox si+0.1, ti, si+0.2,ti+30
dcSelectObjInBox si+0.0001, ti, si+0.0002,ti+30

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