Welcome to the DeltaCad User's Group (DCUG) web site. Here you will find
friendly and helpful information, tutorials and original DeltaCad-related files created
and shared by fellow DeltaCad users in the DeltaCad Files & Tutorials Page.
This site is managed and maintained by DCUG administrators:
williamj (Bill, IL, USA), jw48 (John, UK), and AlwMVMO (Alan, MO, USA)
This site is rated highly on most web search engines because of its member
contributions and stability - not because of any sort of advertising schemes.
We like it that way.
Please note: The creators of DeltaCad or any other persons associated with
Midnight Software Inc. are not, to the best of our knowledge, registered members
on our forums. However, they have given us their encouragement in our endeavor
to support you, our fellow DeltaCad users, as best as we can with our experience
using DeltaCad and they have always been very helpful when we seasoned users
have been stumped by a DeltaCad function or feature.